27 Seventy Five
Costa Mesa, CA
- Finalist: NAHB Multifamily Pillars of the Industry 2015
“Best Community Amenities”
40 Acres
24.1 du/ac
Peak West Development/UDR
The re-imaging of 27 Seventy Five is located in Costa Mesa, California. This project consists of two and three-story wood-framed apartment buildings with a two-story Leasing Center/Community Building and renovated Leasing and Man- agement Office. The property contains a total of 964 apartments arranged in seven plan types.
The redevelopment plan of the former Villa Venetia and Pine Brook properties calls for combining the management and leasing operations and common area facilities including: construction of a new 12,030 sq. ft. Community Building, renovation of the existing community building to serve as a consolidated Leasing/Management Office, construction of an Amenities Courtyard between the new Community Building and Leasing/Management Office. Smaller amentity buildings throughout the property were also re-imaged for tenant use along with the renovation of apartment building exteri- ors and interiors.