Dublin Transit Center
Dublin, CA
16.2 Acres
60 du/ac
Avalon Bay Communities
Designed as an urban transit neighborhood, this village of 970 luxury apartment homes consists of an initial phase of 565 units with 22,000 square feet of ground floor commercial space. The second phase features 405 units with 24,160 square feet of retail space. A mixture of town homes and stacked flats create the urban pedestrian feel to the community.
The project is adjacent to a bus node and light rail transit system, taking commuters to and from the San Francisco Bay area. By combining the landscaping, courtyard settings and creative architecture, the project can appropriately transition to the city’s urban edge. The use of these mechanisms and others help establish the pedestrian scale and public spaces.
The building’s massing, resembling independent buildings yet contiguous, contributes to a pleasant urban walking experience along the pedestrian edges and store front uses of the project. Ultimately there will be four above grade
parking structures with several landscaped courtyards, two spacious pool areas and a village green.