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G (float)
R (float)](https://nggpartners.com/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/Balboa-Vista-Image-1-o6809coluswgn4ujox9xlt2h288umc5s16k6k6teb8.jpg)

Lake Balboa Vista
Van Nuys, CA
Concept Design Phase
1.57 Acres
95.5 du/ac
Weintraub Development Corp
The current 6.3 acre site contains 138 mobile homes. The proposed development will consist of replacing 23 of the mobile homes on approximately 1.57 acres along Balboa Blvd. with 150 units that include 75 units as below market rate. The development will include family oriented housing while re-purposing the existing mobile home park to integrate it into the new development. The proposed project shall provide 4,600 sf of shared amenities to include Club/Lounge, Fitness, Day Care, Outdoor Tot Lot play area for children and BBQ/Dining for family oriented activities. A variety of Studio, 1BR and 2BR units shall be provided ranging in size from 432-813 sf.
The building shall include 5 stories of wood frame type III construction above two levels of above grade podium. The architecture creates a series of “block forms” separated by a combination of white and multi-colored facades with punctuated, cantilevered water-jet cut balconies floating above a 2-story base.